LBD, II Golf Tour 2020 Kentucky's Oldest Amateur Game
Trophy Standings 2013
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Commissioner'sTrophy Standings 2020



The Formula for Wining the Commissioner's Trophy!!

Some guys seem to snuggle up to the Commissioner at every opportunity. The story of winning on the LBD, II Golf Tour has been playing well and drawing go partners. No one has ever won on his own play alone. The opposite end of that combination is drawing a great partner each week. The Tour had one winner like that in 2002, Wayne (Mickey) Victor won the Trophy while only playing 40% of the holes for a year! Mick also prompted one of the other players to coin the phrase, BIPSIC (Ball In Pocket Sitting In Cart). That means Mickey had picked up and was give morale support to hi partner.
Another factor must be a handicap the player can easily reach. If you hit the ball 297 yards of the tee from the Senior tees, reach all the par fives in 2 and hit pitching wedges to the par 4s, a 10 handicap can make it hard for the other players to keep up.
Last Years Champion Needs Help!!

Jay Ackerman, last year's Champion is mired in 8th place. He was a member of a couple of teams that tie for the wind. But beyond that pickings have been had for the Champ.  
He has been struggling some off the tee and it puts him in some difficult places to come up with a good score. Boone County’s rough is hard!
The Staff caught up with Jay after Sunday's round. Jay shared the problem of getting off the tee ws indeed his problem. He admitted he has tried several things but with no consistent sucess. He did have a comment that was almost like a plea of desparation.
“Maybe if I could just play in the same group with Lee, he could straighten me out!”

Last year he had a lot of success with his assorted colors of socks in his golf shoes. That is a superstition he might need to re-introduce to his Sunday attire! 




Tee times for Sunday July 5, 2020 are at 9:00 AM.  Please be on time.